Thursday 26 February 2009

Three potential research topics

I already decided my main research topic before to Join to MA course.

As I said in the MA interview I would like to focus on Electric cars.
But I still haven't decided wich niche for electric cars.

My topics for the niches are:

1) Electric cabriolet car inspired by nature
how can I find a good target for this car?

2)Exotic electric car
-What make an electric exotic car more attractive than normal petrol exotic car?
-Many people will prefer petrol sport cars because they want to hear the engine noise
how can I solve this problem?
-Should I create a vehicle inspired by music for to solve this problem?

3)Micro electric SUV for Urban mobility
the lack of an efficient electric car stations can make my car less desirable?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emanuele

    I have no problem with you focussing on electric cars - it's great that you already have a focus. Looking at your questions - here are my thoughts:
    Q1 I think that this might not create a good research basis - this is because I don't think that be by being electric the form of a cabriolet car will be significantly changed - the only research aspect will be whether there can be a market for it - which is not really enough.
    Q2 the 2 sub-questions show an interesting direction for the overall investigation however the 3rd statement here is almost a research question on its own - you could follow this in detail and then when it came to designing just specify that it is electrically powered, when you have the sound and form research complete.
    Q3 this question was in some ways investigate last year - quite well by one of the MSc students, except his focus was hydrogen cells, but it was to do with the practicality of people using these vehicles with these new powertrains - so viable home/work/parking based charging could be investigated alongside the development of a micro SUV but you'd also need to investigate whether anyone would want one surely a sports utility vehicle is the opposite of the needs of urban mobility as one is for the countryside and the other is for towns.
    I strongly suggest that you take the questions to Aamer and Nick and see what they think too

